So here is a blast from the past picture from Shasta when we went with Shawn & Matt to celebrate their upcoming numptuals. Thanks Sue for the pic! While this past week another fun time was had - it was a whole different ballgame chasing toddlers around and having constant mini-heart attacks when they even came close to the edge of the boat. Shawn & Matt had a wild hair and spontaneoulsy joined us for a few days which was great! We originally had a group of about 14 slated for this trip. A bunch of random circumstances changed everything and when we arrived last Saturday we were down to 4 people (and that included my 3 year old son Wyatt). So, my husband, my oldest kid and our friend John set out and within 2 hours the hospital called John's cell - his wife was going into labor at 6 months pregnant! So we had to turn around and take John back so he could drive all the way back to Reno. About half way back to the marina we came upon a ski boat that was on fire and apparently John's adrenaline had kicked in because before we knew it he had jumped ont a jet ski and went over with a fire extinguisher leapt onto the boat (everyone else had jumped off into the water) and helped put out the fire. Pretty crazy! So once we got John situated so he could get back to his wife, Jeff & Wyatt & I set out and spent a few long and lazy days floating around Shasta and enjoying a 14 person houseboat all to ourselves. While we had a great time - both of us were relieved to meet up with the Harlan's on Tuesday...it was nice to have some new people to talk to and some extra hands to "man the ship". It's hard to dock a boat and make sure the jet skis tied off in the back don't get thrashed when you are a crew of two - but we did it! So they hopped on board and Shawn whipped up a batch of her famous bloody mary's and we were off for a few more days of sunshine filled days and bazillion star nights.
Shawn & I talked about doing another girls houseboating trip - no kids - no mini-heart attacks. But Amy - you mentioned a cruise and I would be game for that sometime too. What about a 20 year reunion cruise?!?! That's something to think about. I hope all of your adventures the past two weekends were good ones...
Oops - almost forgot - our friend John is now a proud Daddy. Baby Jack Sullivan O'Day was welcomed on Wednesday at a tiny 2 lbs 14 ounces. He is breathing on his own which is incredible! He is thriving and while his parents have to commute back and forth to the hospital in Reno (the O'Days live in Gardnerville, 35+ miles south of Reno) for the next 70 days they will be camping out here some of the time. Now that had to have been an adventure...