Can you help us find any of the following people? Send their email to Juliet at
A:Tania Aisbet, Christina Armstrong, Scott Arnold, James Ayers
B:Heidi Barker, Nate Barnhart, Kristine Bianco, Kristi Bolling, John Brouillette, Eric Bueller, Leslie Busby, Shawn Byfield
Scott Carlson
, Aaron Chigbrow, James Comstock, Michelle Cooper, Aaron Crist
Candace DeAngelis, Nicole Dederer, Charlotte Dills, Justin DuBois, Charlie Dumass, Shain Dyckman
E: Lorrie Earl, Darren Entrican
F: Shaelyn Flanagan, Aaron Flores, Tim French
G:Chauntell Gardner, Tom Garrett, Beta Gassman, Tanya Gillim, Julie Gleason, Edward Gomm, Carol Gormly, Nathan Griffin, Kyle Groom
H:Deborah Hall, Michael J. Hamilton, Mike T. Hamilton, Frances Hansen, Chantell Harris, Jennifer Harris, Ted Harris, Jeffrey Hewitt, Jennifer Hilsinger, Sonya Hogan, Jill Holton, Jennifer Hubbard, Bil Huesing, Tom Hughes, Kristina Hurst
I:Mike Irvine
J:Brandon Johnson
Akbar Kahn
L: Scott Laeber, Andrew Lawson, Jamie Lee, Adam Lolmaugh
M:Richard Maki, Kim Mann, John Marler, Marc McLaughlin, Clint McLoughry, Jennifer McPhee, Jeffrey Michalik, Roy Miller, Susan Montgomery, Antoinett Moran, David Moynahan, Monica Murphy
N:Tom Naiman, Dana Nelson, Lisa Newcross, Leanne Newlands, Tasha Newton, Van Nguyen, Kristen Nichelson, Connie Nye
P:Terrance Pai, Dana Paulus, Brad Phipps, Melissa Poole, Luis Preciado, Deborah Provencher, Teresa Puentes
R:Nicole Raymond, Traci Rice, Leslie Rodriguez, Kelly Rommelfanger, Dawn Russell
S: Donald Sadauskas, Stacy Scheffler, Marta Serrano, Patricia Share, Micheal Staley, Naoh Stein, Laura Stevenson, Justin Stewart, Kimberly Strait
T:Jennifer Taggart, Danielle Taylor, Jennifer Thompson, Tolinda Thompson, Nicole Toland
V:Jim Vaughn
W:Janine Weeks, Darrell Wegrzyn, Jonathan White, Katherine Wilson, Scott Wilson
Y:Alex Young, April Young
NOTE: Some people have been put back on the AWOL list because their email address was bad - please check the list often and help us find our classmates!