Here are some examples just for fun! :)

Top row - Nate Barnhardt & Pat Cavendar; Amy Anderson, Mike Crawford, Amy Lux, Mike Piscottia (Jesuit), Scott Wilson & Denise Duey; Andrea Cast
2nd row: Darren Brown (88) & Juliet Coberly; Temple Roberts, Dave Roth & John Fuglar (10Y Reunion); Aaron Crist & Shawn Reed
3rd row: Jenny Tampas, Lisa Szyper, Jamie Henderson, Farid Senzai, Sondra Shrader, Kristin McCarthy & Jolie Anagnoston; Kristin Parks, Shelley Chambers, Sue Revere, Becky Sherman & Missy Gardner; SR Year DC Lawn T.P.
The unidentified is Mike Piscottia. He was a Jesuit boy who made the rounds with the DC girls.....
Left on an older post - but good info:
Anonymous Jenny said...
Hey, if anyone has a million pictures to scan & give to Sondra don't bother doing it yourself - Walgreens will scan up to 80 pictures and put them on a disk for $5.99. Way worth it.
November 5, 2008 11:44 AM
Does anyone have current contact information for Kristin Parks?
Thanks for your help!
Perry Streeter (
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