Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. We took the boys on their first fishing expedition. It was a lot of fun.
Here is Wyatt with the rainbow trout Jeff caught. We did a day trip to Davis Creek (between Reno & Carson) and then yesterday spent the day at Donner Lake. Hope your families had fun adventures too! ~Temple
Bry took me fishing. We have a bunch of friends that do an annual float. Pretty fun for not being much of a fisherwoman.
Hiking and mt. biking in Tahoe. It was great to get out of the SF fog!
-Joe Ski
Hi Joe---
This is Joe Dobrowolski isn't it?
How you doin? Long time no see. Last time I saw you was during Bay to Breakers which was the craziest thing ever. You were my hero that day Joe, no joke! Amy and Heather Dotherman were there also.
I decided to run with my 4 month old in a jogger(which I had never done before) and when I got to the city I realized my husband never put air in the tires so I had to push my son in the jogger with barely any air for 7 1/2 miles and then as soon as we crossed the finsih line it started to pour down rain.
Then I ran in to you and you saved my life because you told me how to get back to my car (which was another 35 blocks) and if you hadn't I don't know what I would have done. By the time I got back to my car my sons hands and feet had turned purple It was the worst day and I know Amy and Heather will agree on me with that.
You are my heroe(SP?) Joe.....How are you doin and if you ever need anything you can call and count on me buddy......
To clarify on my last comment it was when I crossed the starting line not the finish....
Scott and both refer to that Bay to Breakers as the worst day of my life. When we start the story - we always start it that way. It was a terrible day. However, I thought we saw Joe(y) at the Bay to Breakers that was nice and shiny at the end. No?
We saw Tyler McDaniel at the one that was nice and shiny but i can't remember who he was with was it you Joey...That was fun running into him. Tanya tell your brother hello for me.
Okay, so I have no idea what this whole "blog" thing is, but I love that we can have daily chats!
How is everyone? Bec's got babies on the way, right? Too cute, that whole twin thing :) I'll put Ty on the blog unless anybody has any objections. He lives for this kinda stuff!
I was just with the get-alongs in Vegas. We used to go with just the chickas and then started bringing the hubbies along. Good times, good times...
Happy belated Amy!!
No rules here - of course T - have your bro blog away! This is open to everyone and we're all new to it too so glad you are here in rookie blogness with the rest of us.
Well everyone I am going White Water rafting for the weekend, I am so excited...However if I don't make it back you all have been amazing people to know I hope you all have fun at our next reunion.....
I am doing a level 1 raft trip, just kidding.....Actually only a level 3 so it shouldn't be bad I have done a 4 before. I am going down the south fork of the American river...
Becky good luck having those babies tomorrow....I will be thinking of you all day I am so bummed I will be out of town but will come up next week...That is if I make it back......
Gosh I hope I didn't jinx myself with that kidding email I just left....
If really don't come back please take care everyone.....
Holy Cr.. I didn't realize that TOMORROW was June 2! I better call Becky. She must be freaking out. Ham - It was great knowing you. If you get too scared you can demand they pull to the side for you and walk the rest of the back like I did once.... Nice eh? Tanya isn't your birthday soon to? I used to have it memorized for the i.d. and all.....
YEAH!!!! Twins must be coming today since it is now Saturday!!! I'll be thinking of you Becky!! Jenny Kroll's b-day was yesterday, so that will be easy to remember. Yes, Amy, my b-day was on the 19th. Isn't that Kelly's anniversary, er something? We spent my b-day in Vegas with the DC clan. Super fun! Um, by the way, could you guys quit yer crying about a reunion coming up? I'll let you know how it goes :)
That's me. Joe Dobrowolski, jdub, joeski, dobber, joey.
Sorry that it took me forever to get back here to post again. Kinda lost track of this site.
Of course I remember seeing all of you at B2B. I thought that I saw you earlier in the race too, near the starting line. I should have had a bike pump in the shopping cart - what was I thinking. I am happy to hear that the disaster I didn't even know was impending was averted.
So here's what I need.... a 100ft yacht, 3million in german bearer bonds, and a palette of swiss chocolates. just kidding ;-)
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