
So...what's up DC Alums?

So I have been completely inspired by Laura's blog - and I thought in addition to using classmates, reunion.com and the DCHS Alumni site to kind of check people out and see what's up with our old high school peeps, maybe it would come in handy to have a place where we can chat. I should confess right now that I am a complete rookie in the world of blogging so I will do my best to make this thing work - at least I will give it a whirl. As our inevitable 20th reunion continues to creep up I figure I can't be the only one who is starting to wonder about old friends. So round 'em up kiddos - and feel free to share what's on your mind, how you intend to make a difference in the world, what planet you live on - and whatever else you might thinketh...
Cheers! {clink-clink}


AmyB said...

Ha HA - I got to post the first comment. :) I am really just seeing if I can figure this out. No clue what I am doing but I am happy to see that you are bringing all of us into the new millenium (finally)! Love ya - Amy

AmyB said...

Ok, when did you "cougars" go to lunch with Sue (2nd picture)? I am never invited to anything you losers! Amy

sue said...

Ok dammit Im in for the next san fran trip for sure!!!

Temple said...

I wasn't at the lunch w/ Sue...she sent me the pic... ~Temple

HAM said...

Ya I am with amy when was the lunch---Oh great Temp--In stead of bring us together to blog now we are all fighting.....Hee Hee....But seriously when was the lunch...


HAM said...

Yeah Sue is going to the city with us now I think we need to make it a whole weekend so we can really get a chance to realx and visit and party.....

HAM said...

See I am already addicted

HAM said...

I can't stop

HAM said...


HAM said...

I guess I should have asked before I posted the SF blog, will there be republicans allowed, since you all found out on our last trip that I (and another I will not rename)are republican?

sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HAM said...

My comments really were just a joke, I promise. So no hard feelings here please don't drop out of site on my account.

Hope you all had a great weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!

AmyB said...

No Republicans can NOT come to SF. You'll have to change your political status and so will that that other FORKER. ;) Just kidding - but should we go somewhere else or can we go to the same place and get those in-room spa treatments instead of pretending we are still young enough to stay out partying all night? Apparantly I am like 10 years older than all of you girls....Either that or I am some BAD salami that night. ;)

AmyB said...

Hey - whose comment got deleted? I don't like all that power you have!

Tabetha said...

I think we should do something different this year. Hmmm.... I'll have to think about it though. Where was that lunch with Sue - apparently I was there but I can't remember. Amy - I hope you had a great birthday!!!

Temple said...

Ok - maybe we can't party all night anymore...but we can drink wine all day! Maybe we could do something in the Napa/Calistoga area this year. Amy - as far as "power" I didn't remove the comment if that's what you were referring to (smile). Anyone can remove their own comments. Tab - I do believe you were at the lunch seeing as how you are in the picture (smile again). I understand it was sometime right after Haley was born. Many moons ago...

Scott Klacking said...

Is a "ladies only" blog site? I seem to be the only guy from DC to dare enter.

Temple said...

Hi Scott! Nope - you must have missed Joe Dobrowalski's comment on the Memorial Day post. The guys should pick up speed here soon (hopefully) unless they are fraidy cats. Glad you dared enter! Cheers...

HAM said...

Mr. Klacking Welcome!! If we were at a bar I would offer to buy you a beer.

How are you? Talk to us, tell us where you been, how you've been, and what you have been up to.....

It is great to see you blogging.....I am turning into a completely addicted blogger myself...

But seriously I hope you are well and look forward to future blogs...


Scott Klacking said...

Awesome that everybody still stays in touch. Joe and I usually get together once or twice a year. I did see Shawn on a United flight from SFO to Maui last November. I thought it was her walking around the plane with her little one, but the last time I saw her was our 10 year reunion. So I did what any guy would do, e-mailed her when I got back.

So quick history. I live in Ventura w/girlfriend and our Jack Russell. I'm a Police Officer in Santa Barbara and still love long walks on the beach.

HAM said...

Thats awesome. I live in Petaluma and get back to Sac quite a bit.

I am married and have two kids a boy (5) and a girl (4) and they are a lot of fun....

Tanya McD said...

Any chance of you guys keeping me posted on your get-together? Wherever it may be? I've got some vaca I gotta chash in on. Don't have a ton of flexibility, but would love to hear about it. I would love to see everybody. I think Temp's wedding was the last time I saw all of you?!?

Tanya McD said...

Oh, I am a registered Democrat! :)

Temple said...

Wow...our wedding was 4 years ago this weekend - that's a long time! Ham - vote for Obama in 08 and we'll keep hanging out with you (wink). ~Temple

Heatherlee said...

Hello fine Cougars of the (Gulp) 80's...I thank Mr. Klacking For the info on this site! What beautiful kids you all have! Gorgeous twin blessings too...Congratulations!. In short(Well...short for me)After graduating USCB in 95, I lived in San Diego for a little while than began flying with Southwest as an Attendant. What started out as "Fun" got addicting and it has been 11 yrs of a truly wonderful job! The job...not heavy math...but never boring! I have been married to a wonderful man (Shawn)who is a ground Manager for Southwest. Being with different venues of Southwest keeps us well rounded I guess. My perspective from the plane...his from the ground...:) We have two beautiful daughters Tori Nicole (My step daughter-14) and Madison Jolie (6). We live in Roseville currently--out near Thunder Valley Casino--I ran into Steve Stilwell last year in that Casino..He works there in management I believe? I saw Missy Pieri on my flight last year as well--she has two lil cuties!(A boy and girl with hubby Scott Pieri). Only recently have I really run into people from D.C.which is actually surprising considering my job. This site is a great Idea. I will pass it onto fellow D.C.ers--especially Nikki Kaffee who is doing wonderful in the charity event planning/theater companies in L.A. Take care all! Heatherlee (Mace) Englehart

Dave said...

Ok you guys are KILLING ME! Sorry Temple it took so long to finally register (I'm a computer retard).

Excellent idea for a blog! Judst too bad there are so many liberals that I went to high school with. I still love you guys though!

It was nice to hear from you Heatherlee you made me sign up!

Scott looks like it still is a "ladies only" site, were are all the "men" at??

Ham you are already addicted?? or is that , Ham you are already addicted!!

Congrats Becky on the beautiful babies......and the b-day. My wife`s is the 28th this month and my daughters is the 1st of july. Two birds with one stone!

Kathleen, good see you again. I hear your doing quite well. I ran into a guy at work that I believe lives near ya.

Talk to you guys soon. Have a RAD Summer......Keep in touch.......hope we have some classes together next year......all that old yearbook stuff!

Temple said...

Welcome Heatherlee & good job Dave - you did it! :)...

HAM said...


Hello! It is great to read your post. I am glad you are doing so well. Please tell Nikki hello for me I would love to hear from her.

I have been thinking of alot of you guys this week because I have been spending the week out at my dads beach house in Bodega Bay and every time I go out there I can't help but think of all the spring break trips we took out there camping. Then we went to Goat Rock and all I kept thinking about was Dave Roth singing ,"Moon River" while we where there. Do you remeber that Dave?

Anyway--Heatherlee great to hear from you and please forward to Nikki and tell her I said hello!

Peace Out~


shawnharlan said...

You have to be quick on the blog with these girls. I am a few weeks behind due to wedding hell...Bridezillas, you would think they were all republicans....hehe. I catered Tina Basich's wedding last year and she just had a baby a couple months ago. I know there were a few DC alums, but I was too busy to check.
I thought I remember someone talking about putting together a little reunion this summer? Anyone know about that???

Temple said...

How about another reunion at your parent's house like at our 10 year? I promise I will not get in the hot tub this time - those reindeer games were definitely before kids! Anyway - that was good times when we all ended up at your parent's house and people passed out everywhere. I believe my husband passed out with Heather on the livingroom couch and she had to brush away his intoxicated wandering hand...at least it was Heather and not Ty or Roth or Gardner or anything like that. Could have been much worse. I'm sure my husband (Jeff) will be along here at some point to defend himself. Hee hee...

Anyway - if the Reed's place is not an option we could always do an impromptu old school meeting at Marie Calendar's or Players. Too funny...