
More for the Hall of Fame!

Turns out some of our youngins are experiencing some "fame" as well. Here is Shawn's son Kian in the picture that will be part of a calendar for adopted animals. Cute!

So in a few hours I'm off to Shasta to float for a week. Got a few jet skis, a cooler full of Fat Tire, lots of groceries and I'm so ready for some good times and R&R. I haven't done the houseboat thing since Shawn & Matt's Bachelor/Bachelorette extravaganza years ago...now those are some pictures!
Keep blogging while I'm away - I'll catch you on the other side.




Anonymous said...

Ok, I made it in!! Wahhoooo!!! Hello there everyone!
Temp, thank you for building this Blog. I could sit all day reading everyones comments.
Have a great time at Shasta. Shawn and Matt's bachelor/..ette party was the last time for me also.
Bob Barker would be proud of Kian and we are too! I can't wait to get the calendar. Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you. I am off to find Stillwell at the casino..no just kidding we are leaving for camping up at Lake Spaulding. Cheer!

Anonymous said...

Tanya checking in. Funny that! My last time at Shasta was also Shawn and Matt's party. What a great time. Don't think I ever saw any pics...I am on my way to Seattle to watch the M's and the Red Sox. Should be a good time. Have a great weekend everybody. Catch ya on the flip side.

Tabetha said...

Cute, cute picture. Yes, can't wait to see the calendar. Heather, great to see you blogging - you got me at casino and I was going to see if I could join you. Our luck we would lose all our $ and not have enough for a taxi and have to walk home at 4:00 AM. Was that Ham's bachlorette party? Aye yi yi. It sounds like lots of you are doing something exciting this weekend - have lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Now I think we need to do another House Boat trip. Maybe we can opt for a Cruise now instead. Anyone up for that?