Many of you know that I LOVE Halloween. It's definitely my favorite holiday. I have some great memories of Halloweens from back in the day. I remember being at Montview Park and Tab was dressed as a flasher in a trench coat with a ginormous nylon penis underneath that her Mom had made (that sounds so innappropriate right now...but at the time didn't phase me). I have a great picture of that night with Tab, Jen Harold (dressed as a french maid) and Amy Lux (dressed as an alien) and Amy's long silver alien fingers are fondling Tab's you know what. Halloween was a big deal in Chico too and I have endless memories from there as well. One year Sue & I dressed as Sylvester & Tweety and we looked rediculous as you can see! I don't know that I have ever laughed as hard as I did that night. What about you? What are some of your greatest Halloween memories (costumes, parties, etc)? I know some great Halloween pictures might be on tap for this year...in addition to our mass collection of cute kids in their get ups, we might have Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth if the Moehlman's pull it off (referring to Amy Bywater who might be Beth). I laugh just imagining that one!
Oh - and a quick birthday shout out to Scott Klacking who has a birthday on 10/7 I believe.
Oh - and a quick birthday shout out to Scott Klacking who has a birthday on 10/7 I believe.
Thanks for the b-day "Shout" Temple. I was in Reno 2 weeks ago visiting family. I went for a relaxing run to the top of Rattlesnake Mountain and got pummeled by a brutal hail storm. There's nowhere to duck for cover up there. Loved it!!!!
Sorry, last comment was mine. The identity part wouldn't accept me. I'm used to that though. :=) Scott Klacking
Hey Scott - I know the hail storm of which you speak. That was kind of a freak storm but all weather in Reno tends to be random. I saw your bday mentioned on a reunion.com update that was emailed to me - hope it was a good one! I'll email you a Dog the Bounty Hunter costume link - sounds like a popular theme this year! ~Temple
Thanks for the costune site. I'm sooooo buying one.
Okay this probably isn't gonna work for me either - it's not accepting my identity either. You think the flasher costume sounds so inappropriate now? Darn, I was thinking about it for this halloween. Just talked to my mom about making me a new and improved one today. I was going to wear it to this huge party we are going to but I don't know if I know everyone well enough - they may think I'm a freak. Especially since we just had a lovely flasher in the Folsom area. Anyways - I need some great ideas I like the bounty hunter idea how do I do that - I am uncreative to boot. Help. Happy late b-day Scott! This is Tab by the way.
Tab -
Oh I love the flasher costume, it's hilarious...I just meant considering we were in high school...youngsters. I think you should go for it!!! People won't think you are a freak - they'll think you are super funny and you are - it's perfect! Wait - are there little kids at this party?! I once saw a "deviled egg" costume - it was a big egg with red horns and a tail. If anyone could make that it's your Mom! Just an idea.
Tab again - of course there won't be kids there. I'm not going to be a flasher after all. The deviled egg idea is cute - not enough time for this year but I think for next year that is great.
I am so going as a deviled egg. I have a devil costume from when I dressed up for work once as a devil with a blue dress ;) Amy
Tab - There was a flasher? I didn't hear about this. Was it you? Amy
No, silly - it was horrible - I can't belive you didn't hear about it. The good news is they caught him!!!
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