So...we are a year away from the reunion. We are looking for a planner. Hold up...I hear you and I know what you are thinking. Many of you have suggested that I step up and plan this sucker. Well unfortunately I won't do that for 3 reasons. (1) I don't mind helping out but I don't want to have to be responsible the night of the reunion. There. I admit it. I'd rather kick back and enjoy the evening with the rest of you guys. I have this horrible vision that the reunion person gets stuck after it's over helping to clean up or something while all of her (or his) buddies take off to carry on the party elsewhere. Nu-uh...I'll be following that party train where ever it might be going. Pfft. You know it! I'm also sure this is completely irrational and that really it's me just being immature and wanting to regress and partake in teenage like behavior. So be it. (2) Doesn't it make better sense for a local person to plan a high school reunion? I live in another state! A neighboring state...but still... Despite technology and the internet I'm still going to play that card. (3) My husband is not supportive of my taking on this project since we have plenty of other projects that I need to be focusing on. Usually he's a really supportive guy when it comes to "Temple stuff" but when I ran this by him...well, he had a point. There are a lot of things we need to tackle without this distracting all of my attention. Like last year when my mother-in-law accidentally pulled down our living room curtains and broke the rod - you would think that would have been handled by now but nope - I still need to get the curtains replaced. My bad. I also am in charge of the new area rugs that were supposed to help us keep our new carpet in good shape - instead I just keep having the carpets cleaned more often than we should be because it is insane what two toddlers and a dog can do to carpet that was way too light in color for our lifestyle. Again - my bad. It doesn't help that part of what has distracted me from this is party planning...I planned our annual holiday party, a big summer BBQ and backyard kickoff oldest son's 4th bday party...and lots of smaller in between shindigs. I love planning parties! My husband knows this and his vote? Curtains and carpets my friends. I have enough that already distracts me from the more important matters in my chaotic life (like this blog for example) without planning our 20th year reunion. would think this is Tab typing this post! ;) Focus Temple...focus....long story short...
Anyway - any takers? Or do we have to get someone nice and schnockered at Shawn & Dave's party and get them to commit?
Its only one year away!
15 years ago
Temp - it actually sounds like you (down deep inside) really want to plan the reunion. I'm out for sure - I am looking forward to having no responsiblities that evening. I also have a list of things I need to work on around here. Among them being to put together some baby books for the boys, I know they are 8 and 6 but time flys. I'm thinking I may get around to that when they are in college. Okay, I know I repeat myself when I've had to much to drink but are you saying I ramble????????????
Well...deep down I probably do - but I'm much better at planning then follow through and I want to be free from responsibility that night too.
Rambling? Naw, I think rambling implies nonsense and that is more of a Temple thing. You just tell really detailed stories which is a good thing. And when you are drinking we get to hear the stories twice ;). I do that too (yes people I am aware of that!). Tab - know what we should do? We should do an experiment and lock ourselves away and drink a whole bunch and see how many times we tell each other the same stuff. Of course we would have to videotape it in case we don't remember. Lol!
Someone at work recently told me I ramble btw. Guilty. That is probably why this blog exists. One of a few places I can talk about nothing and hope on occasion someone bites and throws something back my way. I ramble here, myspace, in the writing I do (that nobody will ever read which is ok), in emails. OMG I think I am rambling right now! It's a sickness...
Gotta run - my favorite Led Zep song just came on..."Ramble on...and nows the time the time is now, to sing my song..."
Piece of cake for you Temp!! I am not sure how much you really have to do besides picking the date, the place and the menu. If you use a reunion company, they pretty much do all the work for you. I do know you may get emails or questions from old classmates, but that is right up your alley. You might want to check with Brandie after ours is done and see what she thinks.
I think Scott Klacking should plan it...the music would be very 80's and the wine devine.
Ohhhhh, I'd love to but I live in SoCal (excuse #1). I'm also planning another Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam trip for Nov-Dec. I'm booked solid baby!!!
C'mon Scott...You could do an Asian theme...and it just so happens that it was in 1989 when 2 Live Crew released Me So Horny. See? It's fate. There you go. That would be classic!
PS. SoCal is still Cal my friend.
Yaaaaa, right.......I live way too far away to plan something like that (so do you). It should be the responsibility of some poor sap who wasn't smart enough to leave Sac. :-) I mean that in a ah, good way of course.
i'd be in for *helping* plan the reunion, with the help of at least one other local grad (i've been in sac pretty much since graduation, and let me tell you the city has changed!). i think, as lazy as it might sound, hiring a company to handle the reunion is the way to go. however, there are good and bad companies out there. i can do some research into them to find one that will do our reunion justice. btw-i doubt any of you knew me in high school (i went by "julie" coberly back then). i wasn't part of the "popular" group, but maybe that would make for a more well-rounded reunion? :)
Hey Julie!
Using a reunion planning company isn't lazy - it's smart! I think '88 is using Class Encounters and their reunion is in mid-August. I'm going to talk with them after to see what they think about the company. So far it's been good from what they tell me. I think it's great you are interested in helping - we just want to make sure we have a 20th period. I think at this stage in our lives everyone would hope for a 'well-rounded' reunion that would be good times for everyone who attends.
I'll have some Class Encounters intel in August, too, as my husband's 20th reunion is being planned by them here in Sac. Let's touch base when we have info to share. :)
Hey Julie!!!!! Scott Klacking here. I totally remember you. In fact the last time I saw you was when I worked at Wherehouse Records on Sunrise Blvd. Crap!! That would've been.....1990. Wow. That was ages ago.
Scott: I know--I can't believe how time flies. Crazy! What are you up to these days? feel free to email me directly at so we don't have to keep posting here. :)
sorry--"writnkitten" is my online pen name. i'm a writer. :)
juliet farmer
aka "julie coberly"
Class Reunions did our ten year one (1991), and they did a pretty good job. Except for the photo album, which took almost a year to receive and was of very poor quality, with a lot of mistakes on the names. But that was not a mandatory purchase anyway. Overall CE was good, and I'd recommend them to anyone.
I have to beg to differ with the company that was used for our 10th... Comming from far away it was a bit of a disapointment... I never got a photo album???? They never did any of the funny awards (or I didnt hear them)....There weren't enough tables.... The bar was weak the dance floor never used....I had more fun the night before at players... Kinda why Im on the fence about spending a lot of money to come to the 20th....
Not sure if that is Sue Revere who posted the last comment...but if it is...uh, yeah - I think you need to come to the 20th?! I hope you are kidding about being on the fence. If that wasn't my Hula Girl Sue Revere - my bad! :D
personally, i think in this day and age the whole concept of a book that contributes to tree killing is crazy. um, hello 21st century--how about a dvd?
Sorry for the confusion, when I said 1991, I meant I'm from the class of 1991, my bad. CE did our ten year reunion back in 2001. Yeah, the book pretty much sucked, it was pics of all the same people over and over again (kind of like back in high school with the yearbooks, heh), none of the pictures I remembered being in were actually in the book. And they got people's names all mixed up. I do think a DVD would of been much better, I bet that's how they're probably doing it nowadays.
We only had one bar set up too, which with our class of partyers that night, was definitely not enough. Long lines at the bar the whole night long, and of course little drinks of mostly ice. So 1989, make sure you have at least two bars set up, or more if you think you'll need it, heh. But that wasn't the fault of CE I think, it was the fault of the hotel catering set up.
Not kidding temp tickets are like 1500 bucks right now and rising!!! Maybe we'll get another airline by then to fly to cali??? Everyone else is closing their doors!!!
Dave & Shawn are supposed to be throwing a party here soon. Maybe we can have a donation/fundraiser thing at the party to help sponsor's Sue's trip to Cali next year for the reunion! It wouldn't be the same without you girl!
Hi Temple,
This is Cindy "Shute" but my last name is Holloway now. I headed up the 10 year reunion with Sondra (Schrader) Myles and a small committee. We used Class Encounters and honestly I wouldn't suggest using them again. Having them involved just made it too expensive and I don't think they did anything that we couldn't do ourselves and better. I TOTALLY agree that there needed to be more bar set ups. I barely got a drink that night because the freakin' line was so long. Anyway, I sent an email to Sondra yesterday to see if she is game to head up the 20th. I haven't heard back yet, but will let you know if I do. I am pretty much in the same state of mind as you in that I really just want to party my ass off at the 20th and not have anything to worry about. Also, I've got a 3 year old and one year old and work as a corporate recruiter about 30 hours per week in the Bay Area, so life is hectic. We just finished a big construction and remodel project on our home so I need to get all that stuff.... you know window coverings, furniture, wall hangings, etc. Plus, in the spring we found out my husband had a tumor in his lower spinal cord. He had a major surgery at UCSF and luckily it was benign. He's in PT now and doing great, but the whole experience really put things in perspective. So, we're trying to simplify our lives a little more. Anyway, those are all of my excuses! I'm happy to help out though and let anyone know the things I would do very differently for the 20th.
Your blog is great!
Hey Cindy! :)
Nice to see you stop by here. You definitely have better excuses than mine - and more reasons to want to party down! I'm glad your husband is recovering well. Keep us posted with what Sondra says. It sounds like there are lots of people interested in helping which is great.
It sounds like lots of people had issues with the bar thing from the 10th. I don't recall a problem - but I definitely agree that it's important to have enough bars and/or bartenders depending on the venue. I know Hard Rock in downtown Sac does reunions and that might be a fun venue. Wouldn't really have to decorate. I don't know what it would cost but as far as bars go - that's a big bar. They would just need to make sure to have ample bartenders to contend with the class of '89 (wink).
Take care and holler back when you hear from Sondra.
Hi Cindy - Amy (Bywater) Moehlman here....So funny to hear you say that you want to party your ass off. ;)
All - The Hard Rock would be perfect as there are lots of hotels nearby! Good thinkin'!
Hey Cindy---
It was great to see you blog. I am glad your husband is doing better sorry he and your family had to go through that.
Since I was just in Old Town Sac., I thought the Firehouse would be a cool place to have the reunion. It looks so awesome and has outdoors ect.
Love HAM
Hi Jen, Amy and Temple,
It's good to hear from you guys!
So, I heard back from Sondra. She said that she just wants to help out with the reunion this time, but not be the point person.
I agree that somewhere downtown by the hotels and bars would be the most fun and convenient. I looked at the Hard Rock for a friend's shower and liked it, but wanted a private room, so I didn't end up having the shower there. I've never been to the Firehouse before!
Thanks for following up Cindy! So here is where we are at:
Julie(t), Cindy, Sondra, Jen Ham and myself have expressed interest in helping. I think a few others may have said the same but I would have to confirm before I drop their name in the hat.
Once a point person is identified, we need to decide if we want to use a company or not. Then a date & venue, etc. I threw up that poll on the blog to try to get an idea of what month people might prefer (make sure to vote everybody!). The point person can field the company and venue calls maybe? From what 88 has said, their point person (Brandie Engelhardt) has just had to send announcements out on general websites (classmates, etc) and field ocassional questions.
I am willing, regardless of who heads it up, to use this blog for the main reunion information. So people could be routed here through classmates (and although that is not my favorite site). I would make sure to revamp it so it is more well-rounded about DC as opposed to a place where me and my closer buddies chat about random things (smile). I am also happy to collect pictures for slide shows, etc. I've already got a good start and Amy has been great about getting more pics scanned so we can just keep adding to that once pics are collected from the masses.
For now I'm just happy that it appears in one way or another a reunion will take place - woohoo!
BTW - San Juan 89 has already started planning their 20 yr reunion. They are doing a 2 day thing with an adults only dinner one night and a family picnic the next day. I think Tab's husband's class from DC may have done something like that too. Anyway - just more to think about.
Have a great weekend y'all!
Since it sounds like there will be more people willing to help with decisions, etc., I would be happy to be the point person. (I'm self-employed and local, which makes it even easier.)
I have a friend going to her 20-yr reunion at the Firehouse this weekend, so I can hear how that was. I think Hard Rock is a good option, too.
Hey guys, I hate to do this but I actually can not help with reunion this time.
I just want to go and enjoy, not that I didn't have fun last time, but I set up the flowers and helped with other things the day of and our 10 year and missed out on some good pre-parties,so I pass this time.
Hooray!!! Thanks Julie(t) - I like to type it like that as it captures the essence of both Julie Coberly and Juliet Farmer. But say the word and I'll conform. I'm excited to have a point person. My apologies to Hamalicious...your preference to pre-party has been duly noted. Likewise Cindy has made it clear she would like to party her ass off and therefore should be allowed to do so (lol!).
Note to reunion planning group: If this ends up at Hard Rock or the Firehouse there are bars in both so we will be able to pre-party regardless :D.
Cheers! And thanks again Julie(t)!
Firehouse! Firehouse! Firehouse! Then we can sneak out the back and go the The Back Door (where we ended up after my rehersal dinner / went to for the River Cats pre-party / spent New Years 99). AmyB
julie(t) works for me. :)
Hi Everyone,
I am with Ham - I want only the responsibility of getting really wasted that evening. Paul's reunion was in October. I think you should add into your poll of months a Sept./October option - only because a lot of people have vacations planned in the summer (okay, okay - I am one of them). I would hate to miss out.
I agree with Tab. A Sept or Oct date would be better. We missed out on my husband's 20th last June due to having other summer plans.
Kelly (Rodgers) Rose
i'm surprised at the sept/oct idea, but frankly, thrilled. as we all know, summer in sac is HOT. we also definitely want to avoid any dates that are around state fair time, too. october in sac is the best month there is, if you ask me. :)
Yes I agree, Sept./Oct. would be geat then it would mean I wouldn't have to loose as much weight because I would not have to worry about wearing a summer dress or tank top. Now I can hide in Fall cloths.
Love the Sept./Oct idea.
I left a really long comment, but it has disappeared......I am in for helping. I would love to help with picking out the venue, food, bar stuff & music. Since this is what I sorta do in my business, I am very comfortable with this part and would love to help with that part.
I have quite a few connections with DJ's & Photographers that I could get some information for venues. I love the idea of a fall reunion.
Also, I could also hire my staff to do the "day of" stuff depending on the location and what they will actually take care of. Set up of centerpeices, linens, the bar, all the sweaty set up work-ick! I honestly think that we do not need a company to do all this for us.
Kathleen will give us the rundown on everything after next weekend and we can find out what people liked, disliked, etc. I would rather hire a coordinator to take care of the day of stuff if we had to, so we can all concentrate on getting pretty and pre-party if ya like.
Great to hear from Julie & Cindy!
So, how about putting down the different commitees and what they require and have whoever sign up for what they want to be involved with?? How does that sound?? Ham, you probably remember what different committees they had at the 10 year?!?
I think it is really important to have a great dj or band that runs the show. They are such a important part of getting people to have fun and letting the crowd know what is happening next, etc, I think that will take a lot of stress off everyone. Whatta ya'll think?
Shawn (Reed)
I think you are brilliant and I'm thrilled to hear you are on board. I agree, with your expertise in catering and event planning, we might be able to put on a really kick a$$ reunion and I know from corresponding with Julie(t) she feels the same way about making sure that no matter where and when - this event rocks! Hands down though the best idea you threw out there was to hire people to help with set up and break down. That is my biggest concern. I really love to be helping behind the scenes but I also don't want anyone (myself included!) to have to miss out on pre or post reunion events because they are stuck "working". The wedding reception I worked with you a few years ago has crossed my mind several times during all this pre-planning discussion ;). Nobody should be exhausted before they go to their 20 year! This will be great and THANK YOU again for stepping up to help. Once the blog is revised (and I have a lot of really fun ideas) we'll start to get things really rolling. For now it's just some research and getting some planets to align. So far so good!
thanks so much for offering to help! your expertise will be invaluable.
i'm happy at least the core of us are leaning toward fall--so much nicer weather wise.
hiring your staff to take care of day of stuff would be amazing.
a great dj is a MUST! i adore 80s music, so i want to hear great tunes the whole night.
Just saw these posts..... One of the ladies that I work with has a husband (boyfriend - I am not sure) who is a DJ so we can get him with the girlfriend / wife connection for cheap. Let me know if you would like the contact info...
Also, have a inexpensive photographer too... Here name is Sara and her emails
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