
Attention DC Class of 88!

Hey 88 - your 20th year reunion is just around the corner! For information please visit www.delcampoclassof88.blogspot.com

Have fun!


Laura said...

My 8 year old daughter wanted to see my year book and I forgot all the nice things my friends wrote in it. "Glad I had the chance to be on the bottom," "sexual dynamo," the F word used in every sentence, "you have always wanted my jock" etc. My favorite was Roth, "maybe we can get together and talk, see a movie, or just F..." Nice ya'll. Thank goodness she just wanted to look at all the pictures, but it was really fun to reminisce and see how young we all look with big hair. Can't wait to see everyone.

HAM said...

I wish people signed my year book that way all. I got was, "Oh your so nice," "Stay sweet have a good summer." I wish I was thought of as a sexy goddess.

Hey does anyone know if Liz Hagopian's family still owns Annabella's? I was just in Old Town Sac on Thursday and we ate there. It brought back old memories of when we would meet there during the Jazz Festival....


Temple said...

Boys...go figure. Senior year I have a full page from Brian Hall - obviously this was when he was still fun and didn't feel the need to sic Call 3 on local family fun centers. Like Garth Brook's said, "Sometimes God's greatest gift are unanswered prayers." True that! Jen, I think Laura was just a little *sassier* back then...she's the one that made us watch porn at Becky's - remember?

Laura said...

Tab, I forgot about that night, but did learn a lot I must say. I was a "good" little Catholic girl that had no idea two girls could do that kind of stuff together or be that flexible.

Temple said...

Laura - that was me (Temp) not Tab. All I remember is that when people were doing their thing plants in the room would come back to life and grow?! It was very weird. I also remember we were all cracking up!

AmyB said...

My yearbook, although missing, was filled with terrible stuff. I was so innocent. I am glad it is missing - what would my hubby think of me? ;)

Anonymous said...

I always remember everone talking about that porn...I was either sleeping or passed out. I don't remember it :( The video I remember most was at Laura's house....where they ate the monkey brains and all that sorta gross stuff..can't remember the name of it. Why I remember that and not a porno??? Funny how you girls don't remember how raunchy everyone was.......Amy,did you loose the yearbook on purpose! What if it ended up at your scrap booking party.....hmmmmmm

Temple said...

Shawn - the porn Laura so graciously provided (b/c she was the only one who was 18 already I think) was on a TWIRP night and I don't think any of us had dates - so we did the next best thing and watched a naughty movie. Since it was TWIRP, you must have had a hot date. It just occurred to me that Becky still gives me a hard time for currupting her by sneaking her to see Fast Times. Yet she had no problem letting us all pile into her parents room to check out some XXX flick (sorry Jane!). The monkey brains movie was Faces of Death and I think I was with you at Laura's when we saw that - ick! ~Temp

AmyB said...

You are totally wrong - it was not twirp - twirp was when we rented that VFW house. I think it was towards the end of senior year and we were at Becky's parents house. They, obviously, were out of town. Shawn - if Laura was the only 18 year old you must have not been there because you turn 18 first. Oh, and quit making fun of my scrapbooking! ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay - so I have vague memories of both these times but have no clue when they happened. In Shawn's defense........Laura turned 18 in July before our senior year so about 6 months before Shawn.
