
5 Famous/5 Lost

When I graduated from high school, my older brother (DC Class of '80) said that within 10 years, 5 people I knew from high school would be famous, and 5 would be dead. That always haunted me. So when 10 years had passed and '99 rolled around I was relieved that what he had experienced had not been the case for our class...at least not to my knowledge. Hearing of Ron Coffelt's recent passing and also thinking about losing Darryl Nelson earlier this year reminded me of my brother's 5 Famous/5 Lost theory. I'm sad about both tragic stories for these way-too-young-to-go men and the loved ones they have left behind. May their passing remind all of us to celebrate every day and embrace all we are blessed with.

For those of you who haven't seen Ron Coffelt's story in the paper, go to:
(Thanks Dave for the link...)

As far as the 5 Famous/5 Lost theory - what counts as famous? I heard that Kelly Auernig was once spotted in the audience of Jerry Springer - does that count? Come to think of it I think I heard Susan Fleming was on Jerry Springer. I think Tricia Olsem was once on a dating gameshow (forget which one) - does that count? Sue was in a Hard Rock Cafe Maui commercial - that's gotta count, right? They filmed Extreme Home Makeover in Petaluma and I think Jen Ham was in the crowd - does that count? I realize a lot of this is based on rumor so feel free to set me straight.

Take care y'all...


Scott Klacking said...

Thanks for posting about Coffelt's death in Iraq. That's a sad story.

I did hear that Darryl Nelson had died but couldn't find any details. Anybody know how? I'd also read an obit a few years back that had a Tim Mann from Folsom who had died from Cancer. About the same age as us. Anybody know if it was our Tim from DC?

OK Tricia was a Raiderette (Ack) for a few years and was on a short lived dating gameshow. Almost 15 minutes of fame (commercials made it 11 minutes). What was Fleming on Springer for. I'm sure it had to be good if she was a guest.

Nikki Kaffee does cartoon voice-overs in LA. That could qualify as "famous." Heatherlee Englehart is putting out a childrens book. Oh hell, with the internet everyones somewhat famous!!!!

Keep up the good work, Scott

Temple said...


Hi Scott -
That is the link to Darryl's story and I just double checked to make sure it is still active - it is. I'm not sure about Tim Mann. The good news is that it appears there are a lot more famous than lost! I think either Shawn or Sue told me about Fleming on Springer so I don't know the scoop - maybe one of them will surface here and fill you in.


Temple said...

Me again - I just googled Nikki Kaffee and she is a voice on the Bratz cartoon - way cool! If you google someone and they pop up on a whole page on the internet...yeah, they're famous! Way to go Nikki! Ok - enough blogging...I need to get back to work!

Scott Klacking said...

I checked out Darryl's obituary. He looked great in the picture. Always smiling. I also looked at Tim Mann's and I can't tell if it was the Tim from DC. Very limited info.

I also just replied to Lance McDaniel who works with a former co-worker of mine. He wants "Dirt" and of course who am I to pass up on that stuff.

I'll give him your blog site info.

Thanks, Scott

Kelly said...

I believe what I heard was that Susan Flemming and Bobbie Davelos (Dina Davelos's brother) went on Jerry Springer pretending to have issues as a couple or something like that so they could get a trip somewhere. Don't know the details thought.


Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard the name Coffelt in a long time. Sux that this stupid war has left his wife and 5 kids alone, especially after so many years of service when he was just about to get out.

On the famous side...Not in our class, but both were at DC while we were there,.....

Lisa Ling counts on the famous side - DC girl who actually has her own wikipedia and IMDb entries.

And on the other side of the spectrum, Joe Derisi, has a lab named after him at UCSF, and the all important wikipedia entry.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tanya checking in to confirm that Kelly WAS in the Jerry Springer audience. I'm not sure that I consider that famous when you look at what Lisa Ling has done. What about Tina Basich? X-games? Pretty big! Not much of a showing for my class. Oh wait, Shane Jack's mug shot! That's famous right? On a sadder note, Mike Freitas passed away back in February. Super great guy that made hanging out with Scott and Freddie a bit more tolerable. Sorry to pass that sad news along.

Kelly said...

Oh, I hadn't heard about Mike Freitas. That's sad. What happened???


Temple said...

Oh no! I hadn't heard that either. That is very sad news...

Anonymous said...

I guess he overdosed?!? I am waiting to hear from Scott if it was an accident or intentional. Super sad either way. The last I heard, his mom was waiting on the autopsy. I guess they didn't find him for 3 days! Trippy, I guess that's the kinda stuff that life throws atcha...

Dave said...

Wasn't Mike Freitas a Correctional Officer......at least he was a number of years ago when Costa and I ran into him. How sad!

Scott......that was the Tim Mann from our class. He was admitted to the hospital for headaches and nausea, and died like 12 hours later. The doctors thought it was some form of meningitis(sp?).

Anyway Pat Nooren has a picture with Flavor Flav in the Las Vegas airport.........is he famous now??

Temple said...


Anonymous said...

Tina Basich, and duh..... Tami Bradley on the Canadian Olympic ski team and first female to pull of the death-x 360 in a mogul competition. I watched her in the Olympics on TV.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we didn't see Lisa Ling at our ten-year reunion, heh. I'm sure she had much more important things to do now! Not suprised she was successful, as she was into journalism and reporting even back in high school (on that show Scratch).

Last year, Jennifer Avey got busted for driving drunk and under the influence of drugs. It was all over the new, because she was the DA prosecutor for Sacramento.

The people on the Springer show are paid "actors" that act out scripted scenarios written by the producers. Some of my fellow actor friends have done that to make $$.

Robyn Colburn