
5 Famous/5 Lost

When I graduated from high school, my older brother (DC Class of '80) said that within 10 years, 5 people I knew from high school would be famous, and 5 would be dead. That always haunted me. So when 10 years had passed and '99 rolled around I was relieved that what he had experienced had not been the case for our class...at least not to my knowledge. Hearing of Ron Coffelt's recent passing and also thinking about losing Darryl Nelson earlier this year reminded me of my brother's 5 Famous/5 Lost theory. I'm sad about both tragic stories for these way-too-young-to-go men and the loved ones they have left behind. May their passing remind all of us to celebrate every day and embrace all we are blessed with.

For those of you who haven't seen Ron Coffelt's story in the paper, go to:
(Thanks Dave for the link...)

As far as the 5 Famous/5 Lost theory - what counts as famous? I heard that Kelly Auernig was once spotted in the audience of Jerry Springer - does that count? Come to think of it I think I heard Susan Fleming was on Jerry Springer. I think Tricia Olsem was once on a dating gameshow (forget which one) - does that count? Sue was in a Hard Rock Cafe Maui commercial - that's gotta count, right? They filmed Extreme Home Makeover in Petaluma and I think Jen Ham was in the crowd - does that count? I realize a lot of this is based on rumor so feel free to set me straight.

Take care y'all...