It was freshmen year and I was walking towards the halls on the lower quad. I happened to be passing by the JV football team who were hanging out on the brown hexagon tables just outside the cafeteria when a stupid bird crapped on me – right on my forehead. I remember trying to turn my head (away from the view of the gawking football players) and closing my eyes while gritting my teeth thinking “pleasedon’tletthemseethispleasedon’tletthemseethis…” Too late – someone (Jason Smith? Dave Tornell?) yelled, “Temple just got shit on!” and the whole team busted a gut at my expense. I high tailed it down the hallway towards the bathroom. Timme Sherman had been amongst those laughing that day but he did come down the hall to see if I was ok. He knew how horrified I was. Hands down one of my most embarrassing moments in high school - and ever for that matter. Dang blasted birds.
Okay, I'll bite. Having to drive to school in my banana-yellow, 1972 Ford Pinto to school for an entire year and a half. Oh, and it also sported a license plate frame that showed a disco-dancing guy saying, "Let's Boogie!". I was sooooo understandably mortified, mostly because DC was full of rich spoiled kids whose parents immediately went out and bought them a brand new car upon getting their license. People razzed me so much, calling me, "Pinto woman!!". I can LOL now though.
Well, if we want to talk about embarrassing cars...I got one for you. I drove a 1979 Wood Paneled, yes I said wood paneled, Station Wagon! It was called the Country Squire, for those of you who forgot about those cars. My next car was a green Toyota Corolla that I wrecked about 6 months later and never fixed. You could hear the "green bean" pulling up to your house chugalugging from the smashed front end. Let's just say I literally "rolled" into my sidewalk at home whenever I got home late so I couldn't be heard! I am sure I will remember more embarrassing moments....as my friends remind me! ;)
Oh yeah, one moment in that wagon was hauling a keg of beer with a
6'4" guy in the back holding on to it as I raced someone else down Madison Ave doing about 70mph! What was I thinking!?!?
Try being 16 and learning to drive a clutch....I drove a little yellow Honda CVCC with a primer hood. You know coming out of DC there's that little hill at the light, I tried to leave before everyone else because of the clutch problems I had. One day Tom and Kelly were behind me and I stalled it about 10 times with them honking and laughing and then they proceeded to follow me all the way home. I live like 3 blocks away and it took me about 10 minutes to get home. Mortified.
Kathleen...you get no sympathy from me for any embarrassing moments you have encountered in your life for in college you were responsible for my top 2! :D (and don't you even think about going there here...)
Responsible for 2???? I was definitely responsible for one, the other one I was tricked into by your friend Sue. They both still bring tears to my eyes. Good stuff!!!!
This isn't actually my most embarrassing moment but it was a funny one. Do you guys remember the "Where's the Beef?" assembly? Somebody, I want to say Dave Tornell, was doing a skit and stripped down to his boxers. At the moment his pants came off, Susan, one of the Special Ed girls, yelled out, "Where's the Beef?" I laughed so hard I cried. I am still not sure if that was a set up or not but either way, I still laugh when I think about it.
Lets see. During Junior year, I tried to jump the chain fence that went around the parking lot. Of course I didn't jump high enough to clear it. Well to make a long story short I ended up flat on my face. And Ron Coffelt couldn't wait to tell everyone. Worse day ever.
I drove a 1965 Satellite Plymouth in high school. It was a boat and stalled at least once every morning on the way to school. One afternoon I scraped it against the car next to me while pulling out of my parking spot (I wasn't the best driver!). I was so scared and left a note on the other car. It turned out that it was Mr. Eaton's car and he was a drivers ed teacher!!
On the bird crap... Temple I remember that happening to you (I think) and I definitely remember it happening to Amy Anderson because I was standing right next to her when a bird pooped on her head. I tried so hard not to laugh and she was mortified. I think about that now as I am cleaning up dog poop in the back yard or helping friends change nappies. There's nothing funny about my daily engagement with poop now, it all seems normal.
Glad to know I'm not alone (sorry Amy A. but misery loves company!) Maybe we should make sure to have an indoor venue for the reunion... :)
Those of you who had 9th grade PE with me, especially the other 7 in my square-danicing square will remember this! It was a rainy day therefore we were square-dancing. Because I knew sign language, the teachers put one of the deaf girls in our square, not good.... I was trying to interpret the square-dancing instructions but was a little behind and our square was one HUGE mess...we were all laughing and screwing around and Brian Hall swung the deaf girl really hard and flinging her into the bleachers, I was laughing so hard and was hunched over with my legs crossed when Brian pushed me down and picked up my legs continuing to square-dance to the music and dragging me thru the square. I clutched my crotch laughing so hard and said, "Stop, I'm Peeing!" Yep, a nice yellow liquid square behind me! Thanks Brian!!!
I am laughing so hard right now I am crying....Only you Heather, only you. Reminds me of Beckys Bachlorette Party, wink, wink...
Ok girlies, how about this one (and there are like a hundred) Kim Bouchard and I cut school at lunch to go wherever and we were super late coming back and so we were running from the parking lot(to avoind the narc) to our lockers in Junior hall and remember those chain links in front of the principals office (that faces the parking lot) I tried to hurdle the chain and my foot got caught and I bailed face first and landed at Mr. Goodrich's feet! He goes "Miss Fleming, I see your late again". I was fully bleeding and he didn't say "hey are you all right?" or anything. I ended up going home that day after that because I also ripped my jeans. Hah ha for me!
I have another good one: Sophmore year,I'm in the marching band and it's homecoming parade at San Juan High. I'm drunker than hell and supposed to be with the band because I was supposed to carry the letter "C" for Del Campo, but noone could find me? Where was I? I don't have any idea still to this day. I quit the band after that, so uncool to be in the band. Then I had a free period right after lunch!! WOO HOO!!
My embarrassing moment was when Steve (don't remember last name) and Mike Christman yanked my p.e. shorts down in front of the entire class. I don't think ran the mile without holding onto my shorts.
I'd bet you would be referring to Steve Fahrney...sounds like antics he would be involved in - especially with Christman!
:) Temple
Oh Yes - that is right - Steve Farney!!
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