Twenty years is a long time, and amidst all the marriages, divorces, kids, jobs and mortgages, we’ve lost some of our fellow classmates. Some, such as Paula Keith and Brett Bickford, died while we were still at Del Campo. Those losses were tragic and, for many of us, the first time we had to deal with losing a peer.
We may be older now, but it’s still just as hard to hear about the passing of former classmates such as Kelly Henson, who died unexpectedly in a house fire just before our 10-year reunion. Or Darryl Nelson, who battled cancer and lost the fight in May 2007. In addition, the war has claimed a fellow graduate --Army Sgt. Ron Coffelt was killed by a makeshift bomb in Baghdad in July 2007 during his second tour of duty.
As part of our 20-year reunion, we plan to recognize these losses.
We ask that anyone who has a funny story or photo to share regarding Paula, Brett, Kelly, Darryl or Ron to please email it to
We also realize that there may be others we’ve lost, so please let us know if there’s anyone we’ve overlooked.
(pictured below are Avri (noted below), Darryl, Ron & Paula)

Since the original post, we have also learned the following classmates have passed on as well (hopefully this list will stay short):
Avri Paul - Hodgkins Disease (2002)
Tim Mann - Influenza (2002)
(Thank you to those classmates who have helped us to identify others &/or have provided pictures from members of the Class of 89 who are gone but not forgotten.)
I believe Kelly Hanson is another one. I beleive that he died in a fire a couple of years after we graduated.
Thank you - we knew about Kelly, he's mentioned in the 3rd paragraph.
There is a dedication for Patriot's Park this Saturday Nov 15at 10.
Its located on 6827 Palm ave, Fair Oaks. Ron Cofelt will have a Plaque dedicated that day on the wall of honor. Mr and Mrs Coffelt will be at the dedication.
Travis Moses
I had known Paula since middle school and back then kids were not always nice she was one that teased me all the time to this day the last thing I remember Paula saying to me was sorry. I wish she could have known how much that ment to me back then it is something I have never forgotten.
Hey Temple,
Willie William passed away a couple years ago from Cushings Disease. He was a Sac County Sherrif for somewhere around 15 years, maybe longer. If you want, I can get some pics to you. Let me know~ I will not be able to attend the reunion, but I'm sure you guys will have enough fun for all who don't make it. LOL
Thanks, Harold Jacobus
oops... forgot the s. That was "Willie Williams"
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