
Vacation all I ever wanted...vacation had to get away...

(DC students at Dillon's Beach)

From team travel to road trips - Young Life adventures to family outings - camping to cruises - there were some really fun getaways in high school. Have any favorites?


Temple said...

One time Tanya Lien, Jen Harold, Amy Bywater and myself went to San Diego...and you know what? A flippin seagull nailed me on the beach that time too :\. Nasty.

Unknown said...

Oh Dillon Beach... the "faded" memories and scars from Capture the Flag!!

HAM said...

Those were the best trips ever...

Bodega Bay Forever Man!

Jen Ham

Unknown said...

I still have a picture of you guys in my dorm room in San Diego somehwere. I think you actually came the week before finals.

Here they show up, tan, drunk and ready to party, and I'm stuck in the library reading up on medieval history and the biology of the cell, pasty white and stressed out.

I remember Tanya came down one other time while I was still in the dorms and Scott Ortego and I took her to Mexico and got ourselves really drunk. (Scott was trying to pull Tanya.) Scott's room mate passed out so we had to drag him through the border crossing with the Federalies chasing us.

Somewhere in the fray, we actually lost Tanya. Yep, abandoned her throwing up in the streets of Tiajuana. Somehow, she made it back to my dorm room (I didn't) and I never saw her again.

Temple said...

Wait - Andrea, was that trip I mentioned post-high school? Dorm room - what? I'm so confused.

Wow...based on some of the incidents Tanya Lein wound up in no wonder she is keeping it on the down low these days ;)...

I remember very little from that trip (obviously). Of course I recall the seagull mishap and walking all over San Diego with huge mugs that said RUBBER DUCKY CONDOMS on them and also eating chicken sandwiches from am/pm. But I was tan!

Anonymous said...

To many to remember,
To many to forget,
So many I will never remember,
So many I can't wait to forget.

I do remember an incident on the bus ride to the airport...

Temple getting busted for smoking in the bathroom on the bus.

Temple said...

OMG - LMAO!!! That was soooo embarassing and I thought I was soooo sly and rebellious. Serious walk of shame out of that bus bathroom (I can still clearly see my friends - especially Sue - laughing at me). The whole bus pulled over and everything. Man, that was just the beginning of a lot of stuff I'm not sure if I want to remember that trip (and I wonder what I don't!). Blurry, crazy Jamaica. Frickin sharks teeth, sand flies, stinky elevators, goats in the road, and all kinds of various shenanigans. Thanks, Anonymous one, for bringing back some funny memories.